Application Development


Imuni is a special on-site vaccination service (at home or at your company) for Children and Adults. Consultation before registration, growth and development services, vaccination administration, to follow-up after vaccination at Imuni are carried out 100% by specialist vaccination doctors.

Imuni application screenshot
Client logo

Project Goals

Imuni wants to provide Vaccination services at Home (home service) or Company on (on-site) without making customers queue manually and come to the clinic or homecare and then wait in line at the location to get vaccinated.

The Challenge

Imuni is required to create a technology service that is able to help customers in the health sector without making customers queue manually and come to the clinic or homecare and then wait in line at the location to get vaccinated.


Creating an Application so that customers do not need to leave the house and the time the customer wants can be adjusted to the patient's wishes. and vaccination is also safer because each vaccination process is given 100% by a Special Vaccination Doctor who always prioritizes strict health protocols.

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List Features

Client logo


Ngobrol langsung dengan Dokter Konsultan Vaksinasi


  • Project Manager
  • Backend Web Developer
  • System Analyst
  • Frontend Engineer
  • Mobile Engineer
  • UI/UX Designer


App Development Technology