
Hello, We Are Radya Labs, your Digital Transformation Partner

Radya Labs was founded in 2011. At first we focused on Windows-based apps development. We created several apps early on, one was preloaded in the first Nokia Lumia family, a proud moment. As we thrive to be better throughout the years, we adapted to accommodate what the world needs. Taking on the challenge, we are now proficient in various platforms, offering full-range solution, serving any kind of industries. We are also building our own consumer and corporate mobility-related products.

Vision and mission illustration showing people analyzing data and charts


To be leading digital transformation enabler through innovative solution and service excellence


Engage Your Customer

With the best experience at all contact points

Empower Your Employees

By creating a digital workplace that increases productivity

Optimize Your Operations

By leveraging automation to increase returns and revenue

Our Shared Values

Since the journey from its inception, Radya Labs has always maintained principles, maintaining values ​​that are considered important in running its business. Without these values, Radya Labs will become another soul-less company.

Seeking The Truth

Radya Labs was founded by engineers, and engineers don't cover up what's right (or wrong). Say something if that is True or False. Say yes if it can be done, no if it can't be done. Be honest with the actual conditions, find the right solution and never give up. Don't let 'as long as you are happy', no one will have benefit from that condition. We are one of the good guys


Radya Labs encourages you to have original thoughts, which are different from others. The same thought lead to no progress. different and many Thoughts will add new knowledge. When Radya Labs started, we started with Windows Phone. Did any company ever think of starting on windows Phone ?


Working at Radya Labs means working in a team. Communicating with fellow human beings is complex. Empathy means trying to know what the other feels, With empathy cooperation is much easier to do

Have You Been In a Situation Like This?

Reaching out to your vendor/partner is hard, or even worse, uncontactable?

You feel like chasing a ghost? Or need to up your blood pressure to get a progress report?

Maybe you find it difficult to make changes to your product?

It's too rigid, everything is a change request, you can’t negotiate anything!

Why Radya Labs

Weekly / Biweekly Meeting

In Radya Labs, weekly/biweekly meetings are a standard that we do. You don’t have to be busy looking for us, because we will meet you in a predictable time.

Flexible Changes

Change is something that always appears in IT projects. At Radya Labs, change on a particular scale is not something we can’t handle. If your digital transformation process is too unpredictable, we can arrange managed services for you. You don’t have to worry about the changes! It’s all managed.



“The other entrepreneurs i have the chance to meet, the young entrepreneur who founded Radya Labs. it’s fantastic to see him go on take what he did at Imagine Cup to found a company.”

Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft

at Microsoft Dev Festival 2016

1st Winner EduCode

Hackathon Kemendikbud

1st Winner Samsung


1st Winner Sinarmas Land


1st Winner IWIC 10 Indosat


The Teams

Radya Labs works as a team, Get to know more about the people behind the Radya Labs Team

Rudi Hartono


Rudi is a software engineer and trainer. Focusing to build the best engineering team by researching to adopt new technology, sharing to improve engineer skills, and implementing high standards software development to create world-class software.

Krisdhamara W.P.

VP Operations

Commonly called Rara, she is a person who always enthusiastic to analyze the system’s requirements to fulfill the client needs and satisfaction. Being a good listener for all crews at Radya Labs with hope they will always comfortable and happy while working.

Arik Achmad Efendy

VP Engineering

Arik has shown a high enthusiasm for technological advancements. Currently, he focusing on designing and implementing technology strategies to enhance the company's innovation, quality, and scalability. Also, committed to maintaining and improving the engineering team’s skills.

Happy Clients

Many companies have trusted Radya Labs. You still have doubts? contact us now

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